Thursday, September 17, 2015

Lychguard First Deployment Images Recovered

Previously thought lost, these are the images of the Lahker Lychguards' first battle.  Literally put together, given weapons, and thrown onto the battlefield, no prime coat even.  This was a match against my pal Sebastian's Dark Eldar.

This is either halfway through a fight sub-phase, or a Gatorade break for the Wyches. 
Obligatory Raider shot.
And another. 

*tweet* "Illegal procedure! No basecoast for you tonight!"

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Meet the Dynasty #5: Lahker Warriors

A warrior's place is beside his lord, ready to follow his every whim and command to the bitter end.
The many, the economized, the humble, the meat-shields, the unsung heroes, the lowly yet necessary troops that carry the Lahkers to victory.  These are the Necron warriors of the Lahker Dynasty.  Daubed with the Dynasty's livery on their shoulders and torso, the rest of their body painted with whatever color was lying around at the moment, the warriors march forth from their deployment points to do battle, provide emergency anti-tank support, and if necessary sacrifice themselves for almost any other unit.

An early battle in the Lahkers' history, where the majority of the warriors learned the ways of war.
Lahker tactical doctrine usually puts a warrior line spread evenly across the battlefield, in front of anything valuable.  In earlier days, a five-man squad would be used to hold backfield objectives; now in 7E, objective-holding is fairly evenly balanced between half-size Immortal squads and basic warrior squads.

Like any front-line troops, the warriors take the most punishment, and get the least glory.  This is not to say acts of valor are not recognized; it is not unknown for warriors to receive commendations or markings for heroic efforts.  It is very probable that the markings are another way for the overlords to further stroke their own pride at their tactical acumen, but an award is an award, even if the recipient doesn't quite have the self-awareness to appreciate the fact.

Kobeh's first command: "Charge that Chaos Lord squad!" Yeah, that ended well...

Lahker warriors are often used as warrior escorts (at least until the Lychguard were reanimated), with varying results.  They can at least keep an overlord safe through number of bodies, and on occasion have even won an assault, but a melee offense cannot be reliably mounted by warriors.

The somewhat-flawed warrior escort.
Warriors as meat shields to keep Nahz alive and swinging that scythe. Note the leftmost warrior with the Glyph of Heroic Duty on his forehead.
Early "mass-infantry" tactics met with spectacularly disastrous traffic jams and subsequent massacres.  The Lahkers have since reduced squad sizes in general, and, when warriors must operate without a cohesive battle line, squads will fight near each other for supporting fire purposes.  If one squad is assaulted, the other can join the assault in a desperate attempt to win the combat through sheer numbers.  (Not the most intelligent tactic, but has this archiver-cryptek ever claimed the Lahkers were tactical geniuses?)

The fate for many a Lahker warrior squad.

Face-tanking fire form several Leman Russes.
Though they often go unacknowledged by their betters, the warriors are the rock the Dynasty rests on.  Woe betide the Lahkers should that ever change.

60 million years and counting, and the gauss gunline ain't outdated yet.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Where It All Began

I was looking through my files and found these.  This is very possibly the first full game of 40k I ever played.  Ike had pestered me enough that I finally dug out my box of armymen and we had a go at an Guard-vs-Marines game.

Awww look at that, I even have my model tanks out as proxies.  It took a few more years, but when 6E rolled around, me and Ike co-bought the Dark Vengeance set, I took the Marines, and truly began my journey into 40k.

Epic picture? Yes. Did it end well? No...
And a while later, after considering the various armies, I chose the Necrons, partly for the "undead space tomb kings" theme, partly for badass HQs, and also because no one else I knew played them.

Kobeh is the baddest, Rynkelyh is the flashiest, but Nahz was there first.
Big thanks to Ike for bugging me into the hobby.